Why choose a contract position over a permanent role?

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Why choose a contract position over a permanent role?

Contracting has become very popular among the UK professionals as they strive for more flexibility and short-term contract opportunities. A contracting role allows people to maintain an improved work-life balance. Instead of working full-time and with a repetitive routine, freelancers and contractors have the ability to opt for new challenging and rewarding projects.

Here are five top reasons for switching from a permanent role to a contract/ freelance position.

  • More challenging

Many full-time jobs become repetitive after a while and employees become accustom to carrying out similar tasks on a daily basis. Full-time jobs are often restricted whereby workers are expected to fulfil the same duties every day without learning any new skills. On the contrary, professionals on short term contracts can choose different projects, try new areas of work, and frequently meet new people.

  • New work opportunities

Roles in most companies have rigid structures. Hence, even when professionals are content and settled in their roles, it is common that they do not have enough opportunities to learn new skills through challenging, non-routine tasks. Many workers simply do not have enough time to learn new skills and become more versatile, as they are too involved in their routine day to day work and meeting deadlines.

  • Ultimate control

We all differ in our working styles. Some people thrive as team members with a manager in charge of delegating tasks, whereas others appreciate the complete control over their work that freelancing offers. Freelancer’s can decide on the days they want to work and can also elect to work from home. With the freedom to decide when and for how long to work, the level of productivity is increased and the monotony of a full-time job can be avoided.

  • Creates an entrepreneurial attitude

It is common among professionals to strive and make a difference in the business world, and not be anxious about not having sufficient experience. As a freelancer, you will gain knowledge and experience of financial management and understand the costs of running a company.

  • Networking Opportunities

Any successful business person knows how critical networking is. Thanks to platforms such as LinkedIn, professionals can now easily exchange and collaborate ideas, as well as develop close ties with other specialists and their clients. Networking can be highly beneficial, as it can establish a strong reputation and further ones career.

As specialist contractor and freelance accountants, our team has years of experience in the contractor market. If you are thinking about a contract role and would like to know more please call our help desk on 0161 791 1674.

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